
In collaboration with partners, WRI's Electric School Bus Initiative is offering webinars, trainings, technical assistance, and other opportunities to learn more about the electric school bus adoption process.

ESB Initiative director Sue Gander speaks into a microphone

Upcoming Events

Talk with an Expert: Individual Office Hours on Electric School Bus Implementation 

Are you in the market for electric school buses and unsure where to begin? Have you started the process and have questions? WRI’s Electric School Bus Initiative is here to help with 30-minute, 1:1 sessions with our team to ask your school district-specific questions. Learn more and sign up here.

Forth Roadmap Conference 2024 | September 24-26 | Detroit, MI

The ESB Initiative is proud to be a Community Partner for this year’s Forth Roadmap Conference. Learn more here and register at roadmapforth.org.

Electric School Bus Network California Forum

The Electric School Bus (ESB) Network California Forum is a series of virtual meetings for California districts interested in and working to accelerate the electrification of school bus fleets. Learn more here.

Electric School Bus Network National Forum

The Electric School Bus (ESB) Network National Forum is a series of virtual meetings for anyone interested in and working to accelerate the electrification of school bus fleets across the country. Learn more here.

Primary Contacts:
Katherine Roboff