Is your school district interested in hiring a project manager to oversee implementation of electric school buses? Our template job description can help set you up for success!

Many school districts may wish to hire a dedicated project manager to oversee a large school bus electrification project or a full fleet transition. This position can support internal school district operations and play an external role coordinating with community stakeholders and with other electric fleets in the region.
WRI’s Electric School Bus Initiative created this Template Job Description for a School Bus Electrification Project Manager to provide school districts with a starting point for hiring a fleet electrification project manager. The template can help ensure you include all relevant roles and responsibilities required for the position. To use this template, be sure to update all bracketed yellow text to reflect your district’s needs and specific requirements.
Disclaimer: The template is based off job descriptions posted from school districts, including Fairfax County, Virginia and Boston, Massachusetts. WRI may provide general knowledge for educational and informational purposes only. Such information or materials do not constitute and are not intended to provide legal, accounting or tax advice and should not be relied upon in that respect. We recommend you consult your human resources department, attorney, accountant and/or financial advisor to answer any financial, tax or legal questions. If you rely on any information provided by WRI, you do so at your own risk.